Contents Insurance
Welcome to Vero's Contents Replacement Cost Calculator. This calculator is designed to help you calculate the replacement cost of your contents.

The calculator provides an estimate only and the true value of your contents will vary depending on your circumstances, and the value of any particular items. You should consider obtaining a professional valuation for a more reliable estimate and to value special items.

Please note that the cost estimate is based on the current replacement cost and may increase in the future.

* The calculator is provided by Sum Insured Pty Ltd (ABN 55 947 630 521) trading as Home Contents ("Sum Insured"), and is licensed to Vero Insurance for use on this web-site. The contents calculator program uses typical contents replacements costs identified by Sum Insured from its industry research. Neither Vero Insurance nor Sum Insured accept any responsibility for the accuracy of any information in, or results derived from, the calculator. You agree not to use, reproduce, adapt, compile, distribute or transmit in any form by any process any information, data, link or material contained in either calculator for commercial purposes including, but not limited to: market research, pricing estimates or 'shadow shopping'. By accessing, viewing or otherwise using these calculators, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use. The Home and Contents Product Disclosure Statement is issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as Vero Insurance. A copy of the relevant PDS is available from the website that referred you to the Contents insurance calculator. Please read the PDS before you make any decisions regarding the product. Nothing in this calculator should be taken as advice or a recommendation to acquire any product.

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© 2003 - 2024 Sum Insured Pty Ltd (A.B.N. 55 947 630 521) trading as Home Contents. Australian Patent Number 2010202987.